For safety reasons, our microblading and all tools that come into contact with skin wounds are disposable
New set
The pigment used in microblading is semi-permanent and can last between 1-3 years. The pigment will begin to fade within 9 months.
Touch up
In order to keep your brows looking fresh, a touch up is recommended every 10 months to 24 months maximum. After 2 years, full price for microblading will apply.

How we works?

The first part of the Microblading process is an initial consultation. It's a chance for you to ask questions, understand the Microblading process, fill out consent forms and a medical history/contraindications document.

Using rulers or callipers to measure the positioning of your new brows, so they are even

Your chosen colour which should match your natural tones will be mixed and agreed before we start.

Start Microblading
During microblading, an artist uses a tool that is similar to a small pen or marker to draw hair-like strokes on the skin.